Communicating Quality Research

  • Stella O’Malley, M.A.

    Vice President

    Stella O’Malley is a psychotherapist, bestselling author, public speaker and a regular contributor to the Irish media. Stella’s first book, ‘Cotton Wool Kids’, was released in 2015, ‘Bully-Proof Kids’ was released in 2017 and ‘Fragile’, was released in 2019. Stella was the presenter of the Channel 4 documentary ‘Trans – Kids: It’s Time To Talk’ and she contributed a chapter to the 2019 book, ‘Inventing Transgender Children and Young People’. Stella is also the resident psychotherapist for the current RTÉ series, Raised by the Village, a family programme that helps troubled teenagers reconnect with themselves and their families. Stella works in private practice in rural Ireland.